Pierre Leone

Informatics Department, University of Geneva

Scent-Trail Rendezvous

[When and where]

In this talk we discuss empirically a version of the rendezvous problem. In the problem we consider, entities move and leave odour traces. The odour traces can be followed by another entity step-by-step and are used as tracks. Hence, in the version of the rendezvous problem we consider, two entities move and each one builds an odorous track. The problem is solved when one of the entity reaches the other's track. We assume that only local information can be used by entities that have a vague notion of directions and travelled distances. We simplify the mobility patterns by considering that entities move on the top of a Unit Disk Graph (UDG) that connects random points in the plane that are not too far apart. This model makes also sense to model the local diffusion of odours. We propose some strategies for solving the problem and we numerically investigate the performance. A scenario we have in mind for the application of the problem is when one entity builds a track in a vast region to indicate the nest position to others moving entities.


Invited talk Mini-symposium 3 .

Updated May 12, 2015, by Minus